Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Week9 Juxtaposition again....(personal reflection)

This week,same lecture and same again topic, juxtaposition again...
But this time in lecture, we done a lot exercise and interactive with Mr.Radzi Bedu. The thing i most remember is that we had told to use two animal in a group of animal and explain if they merge they cant be survive. Many crazy idea is out by all of us but only one accept by him. However, a student reply him that the animal still can survive with some method and the topic stop right there. What he want to let us understand is if we want to be creative, we cannot be stereotype, however in some class I have met those lecture that quiet stereotype and stick to it. But I wont let myself to be like that and I will learn from juxtaposition and make myself a crazy and creative person. A crazy people only can produce a creative idea.Haha.

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