Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Week10 Another week for juxtaposition

Juxtaposition again... However the class is very interesting because of Mr.Radzi Bedu that can nicely interact with student. We are having a great time and this time he talk about juxtaposition on the term that we can use a characteristic of a object to put in our artwork to become creative. However, he mentioned that the characteristic is put into but the object is not been seen in the artwork. After that, he show us many example and after that he given us a picture of traffic light and he want us to use the characteristic of it to make someone stop from smoking. The Image on the top is what i had done base on what he want us to do. Even it look quite funny, however it make us to think that something can be different if we put some new and something from others on it to make it become unique and special.

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