Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Week7 Juxtaposition

Two object with contrast that place with each other, this is what i understand about juxtaposition.

Shaiya, an online game that quite famous nowadays. In the poster, we can see that they using juxtaposition, good and evil.As we know,good and evil is totally different and opposite.The white angel represent good and the black represent the evil.

This is another juxtaposition. What we can see is that the river is becoming two part. One is green and another is clean. What we can tell about that is that the juxtaposition using the dirty and clean as a contrast to bring out what they want to tell us through this picture.

In the class,lecture also teach us about random juxtaposition.Using two unrelated element or object to design.Beside, lecture also using a series drama that quite famous,Lost,to give us many example of juxtaposition.

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