Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week 2 Class Summary

Date : 26 January 2010
Title : Defining Creativity
Objective : To know about creativity
Lecture : Mr.Yap Sau Bin

In this class, Mr.Yap was talked about creativity.
What is creativity? And who have this ability? Mr.Yap holding a metal stick from the class start till the end and ask us, " What is this? " With the stick, everyone were giving different kind of answer that some looks funny to me.
Besides, Mr.Yap mentioned that everyone is creative, event our parents is creative. Beggar also is creative. Mr.Yap gave us a example like when parents is fixing thing that had broken using their own creativity.
Every single thing around us can be creative and it just depend to us want or not. So, we just have to us our mind and think how to change it to make it different.
From that, we can say that everyone is creative and not only those professional have this ability.
Moreover, we should believe to our own strength that we have the ability to be creative as they are.
Last, Mr.Yap mentioned that creative actually is a kind of attitude like we have to be positive and believe in our mind so that only we can archive our target to be a creative person.
In this lecture, Mr.Yap had told us many thing and try to tell us how to be creative person and I admit that this class is quite success because it can help us to achieve what we have target for,as a creative person.

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