Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 6 Personal Reflection

This week class i think is the most interesting class that i have been attend compare last few week. Mr.Radzi Bedu try to interactive with us and make a activity to us so we can more easily remember and understand what he try to tell and lecture us.
I found out that with activity, I can easily understand and remember if compare to watching the slide and hear the explanation from lecture.
With that, I hope on coming lecture class we will have more interactive with lecture and some activity will be do to lets us not be sleepy and boring.Hehe.

Week 6 Mind Mapping

Today, Mr.Radzi Bedu is giving a lecture about mind mapping as it is same topic like last lecture class. However, he concentrate on another side of it.

At first, he write something in two piece of paper and give to a girl and a boy. After that, he ask some question and they have to give the answer immediately. The result he get is the boy correct 1 from 2 and he correct for both for the girl. What he trying to tell us that is about stereotype. As a creative person, we cannot be stereotype, if not, our outcome will not be something that is creative and interesting. We have to think out of box.

After that, he talk about associate mind mapping, which is that it is a mind mapping that i found quiet interesting. The relationship between the point of the mind mapping is very special and creative and in the same time, it is logic.
Mr. Radzi Bedu show us a mind mapping that the main point is mortar and pestle. The branch that come out from it is interesting. Mr.Radzi Bedu then give us a situation that if someone in 20010 year found mortar and pestle, what will he think about it and it usage. With the mind mapping that Mr.Radzi Bedu give, we have to choose three of it and describe how it it connect to mortar and pestle with its usage.

Here is the mind mapping i did,click on it to see clearly,thanks.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mind Mapping About Me

This is the mind map about me

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week4 Mind Mapping

This week lecture class is talk about mind mapping. Actually I had known and using mind mapping when I was still in secondary school especially when doing notes for my studies.
Mind mapping is a way to put information or idea for the topic or subject we want to organized and and make a discussion. It can help us by branch out many links or idea based on one major to a minor and so on. However, there are many types of mind mapping.
Logic mind mapping, it is a mind map that is related to stereotype and directly linked all the idea and information to central idea.
Associate mind mapping, it is a creative mind mapping and it create random words and more importantly is that it can link all the idea together and related to each other.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Week3 Novelty,Creativity,Innovation and Invention

Novelty, Creativity, Innovation and Invention, this is what the class all about this week. From the start, I cant difference between those word and I don't know the meaning of novelty. After the class, I think I have grab some of those meaning.

A new experience or occurrence, that is the define of novelty. It means that we have create a new things that people never experience it in term of the form or it's idea.

Creativity, Last week Mr.Yap had already talked about this and we found out that actually that is nothing that can explain about creativity exactly. It is a form of attitude to us have it in our mind so we can think positive and have the ability to create something new.

For innovation, it is a way of us to create something new that amazing and useful to us. It can be say as a output of the process we done to create something new and creative.

How about invention? Invention is about a product or a thing that already exist and we using it's originality to create something new and better than it. We also can create something totally new and different from it based on our own idea.

Beside, in the class, Lecture have showing us few video clips. I have a deep memory in one of the video clips. It is talk about hand phone. The speaker try to send to a messages for us that hand phone can do many thing beside connect to someone that far away from us. They using their creativity to make hand phone as a ATM machine. I feel that is very great idea and fresh.

They are using invention on it. They using something that already exist and make it become a new thing in another term. For sure, it have make a lot of people more easy with this fantastic idea.

That is what i can get from the lecture's talk. I feel that creativity or making something new is a nice ability that can make everyone in world live more better and easier.